Ceci n’est pas une Holding

Jonas Rikkert Jan Martens

Ceci n’est pas une Holding B.V. is owned by ir. Jonas R.J. Martens-Baars, co-owner, initiator of various sustainable- and social transformation projects for city environments.

Full resume here.

Perception of Value

“Perceived value may then become a triangulated relation in between two different subjects – or people – and an object. Two different subjects that feel desire, and an appointed object that is desired. A rivalry or tension exists in between these two subjects, with one of them appointing and instigating the desired object, while the other one transposes or follows in that feeling of desire. This of course can go back and forth over the same object.”

Plastic Entanglement

“And now the scary part starts, plastics have been linked to all kinds of health risks, the eerie feeling that this material made from crude oil should be damaging to health and environment, is closer than you may think.

Because of the molecule structure of some types of plastic, even our bodies get confused, confusing the molecule with estrogen. The result? Our ​penisses are getting smaller,​ and girls are having their first period as e​ arly as age 5​.”


Awarded one of 50 Dutch Future Changemakers by Prince Constantijn, Start Up Delta

Nominee, “Nieuwe Helden” (New Heroes), by VNO-NCW

Nominee, “Radicale Vernieuwers 2015” (radical changemakers) by Vrij Nederland

Winner Upcoming Talent – City Marketing Award, by municipality of Rotterdam, Better Future Factory

Nominee, “Plastic Soup Terrine”, by Plastic Soup Foundation

Nominee Icoonproject (Iconic Projects), commissioned by Ministry of Environment and Infrastructure, Uptown

Best New Material Award for 3D Printing (Refil),
by 3D Printing Europe

First Place “Young Innovation Award”, Better Future Factory, by NS, Better Future Factory

The Power of Design: Product Innovation in Sustainable Energy Technologies, by Han Brezet, case study: Solarbear